


Marching in the Ruin of Speed: A Materialistic Critique of News in the Electronic Media




唐士哲(Shih-Che Tang)


速度 ; 唯物批判 ; 場域 ; 電視新聞 ; speed ; materialistic critique ; field ; television news




84期(2005 / 07 / 01)


79 - 118






This study seeks to demonstrate and criticize the structural limitation of the mechanism of news production in the electronic media. Taking a materialistic approach, the study argues that the pursuit of absolute speed constitutes to the major cause of news aberration from its designated social responsibility. Speed-driven news production gives rise to a system marked by operational closure, which deprives news from representing social reality. Speed has become the ultimate manipulator of the symbolic violence of the social space. Therefore, a thorough examination of social problems created by television news should start from an investigation of the ”field”, characterized by the interaction among the factors of transmission technology, the habitus of industrial competition, and the nature of the televisual image. These interrelated material conditions deprive electronic news of its task in improving social interaction.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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