Online fortune-telling has become quite popular among Internet users, and it may turn out to be quite a promising business as well. This online survey recruited 6,088 Internet users for participation. The author intends to uncover a dynamic psychological model in explaining such online fortunetelling behavior. Three groups of explanatory variables are included: (1) demographics such as gender, age, education, income, and marital status; (2) psychological orientations such as sensation seeking, locus of control, subjective well-being, and self-esteem; (3) motivations such as problem solving, increasing understanding of one's self and others, fun and curiosity, and Internet utilities. Results from the analyses indicate that the majority of Internet users were attracted to the fortune-telling websites for the free trial services, while only 26% of the respondents admitted that they spent money on the online fortune-telling services during the past six months. Reading about romance is the most popular item among both males and females, followed by careers. The three groups of explanatory variables contributed either positively or negatively to various types of online fortune-telling behavior. Results and implications are reported and discussed herein.
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