


When Newsmen Become Critics: Inquiry of Fame, Profession and Labor Commodification




林富美(Fu-Mei Lin)


名聲基礎 ; 專業自主 ; 異化勞動 ; 商品化 ; name-based ; professional autonomy ; alienated labor ; commodification




88期(2006 / 07 / 01)


43 - 81






This text aims at exploring how the professional labor of newsmen-/newswomen-turned critics, whose fame is based on their professional reputations, would be affected by the mechanisms of survival habitus and commodification. This analysis finds that fame, a vital labor capital of newsmen/women, would have a direct impact on labor payment and job opportunity. Once the focus of concern targets on self-interest rather than a common progress of society, symbolic capitals such as fame and image would relay their foundations on a concern with labor income. To obtain a greater room for performance, individual professional actors would also construct their survival habitus by the structure of production. In other words, when profession and fame are commercialized, they are not only a symbol concerning self-interest but also one concerning a variety of interests, having to depend upon commercial values or face the consequence of losing exchange values. Through the name-based rational choice, the professional foundation on which a newsman's fame was originally laid would change its nature as a result.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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