


The Transformation of Korean Film Financing and Film Production




林有慶(Yu-Kyeong Lim)


市場開放 ; 投資組合 ; 政策 ; 創業投資 ; 韓國電影 ; open up market ; investment partnership ; policy ; venture capital corporation ; Korean film




91期(2007 / 04 / 01)


1 - 34






Korea had opened up its film market in 1988. The outlook of the Korean film industry was generally pessimistic because it was opened during a period when the industry was not fully mature. However, the market share of the Korean domestic film industry has gradually risen since 1993. After the success of ”Shwiri” in 1999. Korean films have displayed remarkable advancement and improvement. It can be said that the primary cause for such remarkable improvement in the Korean film industry was the change in production values. The transformation of the Korean film financing has been a significant factor since the opening of the film market in 1988. The transformation of film financing is the most important element in changing the production values. For the fluctuation of financing, the preceding change in government policy is an indispensable condition. Therefore, this thesis analyzes the effects which the transformation of the Korean film financing has influenced film production through the change in government policy before and after the opening of the film market in 1988 based on the media economy.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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