


Discourse, Power and the Maintenance of Occupational Sex Segregation of a Photojournalist's Work in Taiwan




孫志硯(Ken Chih-Yan Sun)


性別與工作 ; 職業性別隔離 ; 攝影記者 ; gender and work ; occupational sex segregation ; photojournalists




91期(2007 / 04 / 01)


125 - 170






This paper analyzes ho the sexual boundary of photojournalists' work in Taiwan is symbolically constituted. First, I will demonstrate ho the organization of photojournalists' work in Taiwan achieves efficiency at the expense of workers' burnout. Second, I document ho male photojournalists adopt the discourse of ”burnout” to display their commitment to their work and contradict the crisis of masculinity. Female journalists, on the other hand, tend to be viewed as deviant workers who have difficulty living up to the organizational requirements and expectations. Furthermore, by analyzing the narratives of photojournalists and their supervisors within news companies, I demonstrate that the archetype of an ”ideal photojournalist” is associated with highly romanticized ”manhood.” In this vein, rather than viewing work organizations as neutral, rational and objective, I argue that the assumption of sexuality and gender in actuality exercises the discursive power to perpetuate the occupational sex segregation of photojournalists' work in Taiwan.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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