


The Perception Structure Revealed in the Y2K Crisis: Starting a Research in the Phenomenological Domain




劉慧雯(Hui-Wen Liu)


Y2K危機 ; 現象學場域 ; 電腦中介科技 ; Y2K ; phenomenological domain ; computer-mediated technology




92期(2007 / 07 / 01)


129 - 171




本文在現象學場域中採取Lyotard對電腦化社會(computerized society)的說明為方法論基礎,說明Y2K以「大規模威脅當代全球人類」的姿態出現於世,卻以「未見任何改變」作為最終的結局,留下人們不知該如何定位該事件的荒謬感。透過與Kuhn的「典範」(paradigm)概念,以及Beck的「風險」(risk)概念對話,本文將直觀Y2K一事的本質,企圖剝除人們理解科技事件的自然態度,為科技事件的「科技-人文感知結構」提出說明。 本文所稱「現象學場域」是一種由日常生活出發,不受限於科學理論的場域。藉此,我們可以將自然態度置入刮號,使經驗能「依其所是」理解之。


This paper aims to make an example of research practicing in the Phenomenological domain to enrich the CMC studies. This research is grounded on a ”computerized society” developed by Lyotard as a methodological base, and on the Y2K crisis as the critical case. The author tries to reveal the ”perception structure of 'technology-humanity' ”. Via Kuhn's concept of paradigms and Beck's concept of a risk society, we can explain the sense of absurdity caused by the Y2K crisis. As we understand the origin of the sense of absurdity, we can be released from it. The everyday experience thus replaces the theoretical framework and becomes the central of understanding.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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