


When Remote Communities Meet New Technology: How Social Capital Works in the Operation of the Digital Opportunity Centers in Chichi Earthquake Disaster Area




洪貞玲(Chen-Ling Hung)


社區組織 ; 社會資本 ; 數位落差 ; 數位機會中心 ; community organization ; digital divide ; Digital Opportunity Center DOC ; social capital




95期(2008 / 04 / 01)


145 - 182






This study analyzes the operation of the Digital Opportunity Centers in Chichi earthquake disaster area. With a focus on community-based grassroots organizations, this study examines how social capital works in maintaining the Digital Opportunity Centers and bridging the digital divide. The results of this study revealed that the reconstruction experience after the earthquake contributes to the accumulation of social capital, such as the sense of community, the building of organizations and networks, and the increase of trust and interaction. The results also indicated that when making a good use of social capital, community organizations were able to bridge the digital divide and to enhance community development by introducing digital equipments, training residents with technology capabilities and employing technology for community needs.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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