


The Practice and Construction of the Accountability System for Taiwan Public Service Broadcasting




曹琬凌(Wan-Lin Tsao);彭玉賢(Yu-Hsien Peng);林珍瑋(Chen-Wei Lin)


公廣集團 ; 公共價值 ; 評量 ; 績效 ; 問責 ; 收視率 ; Taiwan Broadcasting System ; public value ; assessment ; performance ; accountability ; rating




96期(2008 / 07 / 01)


129 - 186






To strengthen the accountability of public broadcasting service, public broadcasters have recognized that constructing an evaluation system to measure its public value is particularly pertinent. Under the increasing demands for accountability, Taiwan Broadcasting System (TBS) has been trying to build up the ”Pubic Value Assessment System”, which is to serve as an accountability system externally and a managerial tool internally. This framework is composed of 25 indicators which can be further categorized into 5 main constructs (reach, quality, impact, public service, and efficiency). The intention of this new framework is to provide a more comprehensive alternative to the Nielsen rating system, and to enable the public to effectively evaluate TBS’s performance. This research illustrates the early development of this system as well as the potential problems and challenges in the future. It demonstrates a case study based on local experiences and hopes to encourage more discourse on this research topic in the future.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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