


Happy Family Car: Ideal Family Represented in Car Advertisements




陳志賢(Chih-Hsien Chen);蕭蘋(Ping Shaw)


家庭形象 ; 媒體再現 ; 汽車廣告 ; 符號學分析 ; 迷思 ; familial image ; media representation ; car advertisement ; semiotic analysis ; myth




96期(2008 / 07 / 01)


45 - 86




本論文針對台灣近年來的汽車廣告,檢視廣告如何與家庭的文化建構(cultural construct)進行連結。本研究自「台灣CF歷史資料館」與各汽車公司的網站中,收集運用家庭形象在其內容中的汽車廣告,進行策略性的迷思結構分析,以瞭解家庭做為一種符號,是如何在再現的系統與政治中運作。具體而言,本研究探索在汽車廣告中,家庭形象如何被利用為一種說服的工具,將汽車建構成一種愛與幸福的來源,也就是汽車如何被等值化為家庭。尤其是一種中產階級、異性戀的核心家庭如何在廣告中,如何被定義為理想的「幸福」家庭,成為一種主流的家庭再現。最後,本論文也探討,如此單一的、被自然化的家庭意識型態對於與家庭有關的實踐及認同可能有的影響。


This study examined car television commercials broadcast in the last three years in Taiwan to explore how they are related to the cultural construct ”family”. Strategically, we drew upon semiotics in order to understand how family, as a symbol and powerful myth, functions within the politics of representation. Specifically, this study demonstrated how familial images were employed as a means of persuasion that ultimately portrayed the car promoted in commercials as a potential source of love and human happiness-as a place for being a family. A heterosexual, nuclear version of familialism has been defined as an ideal family type. The results led to the conclusion of that such a dominant familial ideology possibly has a profoundly pervasive influence on practices and identities.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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