


Rethinking the Role of Public Sphere on Internet: A Phenomenological Perspective




劉慧雯(Hui-Wen Liu)


網際網路 ; 公共領域 ; 現象學 ; 存而不論 ; Internet ; Public Sphere ; Phenomenology ; epoché




97期(2008 / 10 / 01)


45 - 81




自網際網路普及以來,對於網際網路取代傳統大眾傳播媒體,成為公共領域的談法就經常出現。傳統上理解網際網路的公共領域功能,主要著眼於網路進入門檻低,篇幅無限制,所有人皆可暢所欲言。網路本身的技術性質保障了其作為新一代公共領域的特殊地位。 然而我們若以現象學所提示的「存而不論」方法,將人們希望網路達成的公共領域功能,與實際上網路如何發揮公共領域角色兩者區分開來,就可以發現,網際網路的公共領域角色,顯現了多重意涵。 本文以「東海大學劈腿事件」以及「鴻海打壓新聞自由事件」兩個實例,說明網際網路之所以能夠扮演公共領域這個角色,其實受到能見度極大的影響。這兩案例的分析將顯示網際網路扮演公共領域角色的過程。


Internet has been popular for more than ten years. During all these years, people have been expecting internet to work as a public sphere in terms of the distinguished technological traits. Taking the low access threshold and unlimited capacity for every kind of speech to focus, internet performances indeed reflect a well-constructed framework for fulfilingl what Habermas described as Public Sphere. However, the technological traits seem to direct how we think about internet rather than explain it based on the experienced reality. The public focuses too much on the conceptual construction, somehow disregards the fact that the theoretical concept doesn’t always equal to the reality. Thus, with the help of Phenomenological epoché, this paper tried to move back to experience to see what the term 'Public Sphere' really means on internet. This paper indicated two critical cases to explore how the users of internet view the concept. It is found that internet maybe the main character when discussing about 'Public Sphere' but traditional mass communication, such as newspapers, actually provide the stage to perform. The visibilities degree of speech on internet are actually the real threshold that has to be faced.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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