


A Political-Economic Analysis on the Content of Early PC Magazines in Taiwan




李明哲(Ming-Che Lee)


微處理器 ; 個人電腦 ; 個人電腦產業 ; 個人電腦雜誌 ; 政治經濟學 ; 文本 ; micro processor ; personal computer PC ; PC industry ; PC magazine ; political economy ; content




97期(2008 / 10 / 01)


83 - 125






Soon after the micro processors were introduced to Taiwanese consumers in the late 1970s, info-tech magazines focusing on micro processors started to appear in the local book market one after another. These magazines then developed into the so-called PC magazines, and therefore had a strong impact on the content and format of PC magazines, as well as on the manufacture of new PC products. From a political economic point of view, this paper discusses how micro processor magazines in Taiwan flourished under the constraint of social and technological factors such as the characteristics of micro processors, the information technology industry, and the industry policy.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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