


Conjunction of Online and Offline World: A Study Based on MMORPG Players' Interpretations of their Experiences




張玉佩(Yu-Pei Chang)


線上遊戲 ; 閱聽人研究 ; 反身性思考 ; 日常生活脈絡 ; 遊戲玩家 ; audience research ; game pleasure ; MMORPG ; reflexivity ; players




98期(2009 / 01 / 01)


1 - 45




本文之研究目的,在於探索台灣線上遊戲玩家對於遊戲行為與經驗的主體詮釋;研究擷取過往閱聽人研究對於傳統媒體消費的詮釋經驗,以「遊戲歡愉」、「同儕社群」、「日常生活脈絡」與「反身性思考」作為研究架構,研究方法則採取深度訪談與行為觀察。 研究結果發現,遊戲歡愉源自於「遊戲明確規則下的升級快感(人機互動層面)」與「玩家間互動情誼(人際互動層面)」,後者成為遊戲玩家難以抗拒遊戲吸引力、脫離遊戲世界的主要原因。玩家的反身性思考會使玩家對於遊戲世界與現實落差進行反思,進而促成玩家抗拒遊戲魅力的可能。


This study explores how the meanings of online experiences are obtained in conjunction with offline world. Developed from audience research, the framework of this study includes 'the pleasures of audience', 'the influences of interpretative communities', 'the context of everyday life', and 'the reflexivity of audience'. Participants were all recruited from Taiwan. Through interview and behavior observation were used as the method to collect data from the MMORPG players' interpretations of their experiences. The results reflected two types of pleasure players obtained from the online game. First, the definition of the game rules brings a lot of pleasures to players during the moments of the human-computer interaction. Second, the intimacy of offline peer groups and cybercommunity become another important source of game pleasures, while that happens in the interpersonal communication. The second pleasure eventually becomes the major cause which players immerse in the game world, and may induce the internet addition disorder. Nevertheless, the reflexivity of players will arouse the consciousness which players may take resistant actions to the fascination of online game world.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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