


The Influence of Political Call-in Programs




張卿卿(Ching-Ching Chang);羅文輝(Ven-Hwei Lo)


政論性談話節目 ; 歸因 ; 框架理論 ; 預示效果 ; attribution ; framing theory ; political call-in shows ; priming effects




98期(2009 / 01 / 01)


47 - 91






This paper primarily explores the influence of exposure to political call-in TV programs and call-in radio shows. The results indicated that experiment one demonstrated that exposure to pro-KMT programs (asopposed to pro-PPT programs) led participants to attribute the cause of the problems or issues discussed in the program to the government's incapability to a greater degree. However the results of experiment two indicated that listening to radio call-in shows, which held the government accountable for problems discussed in the shows generated more positive ratings regarding the prospect of Taiwan's future than listening to programs that held the people accountable.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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