


Investigation of Global Warming and the Kyoto Protocol: Content Analysis to Analyze of New York Times 2001-2007




陳靜茹(Ching-Ju Chen);蔡美瑛(Mavis Tsai)


全球暖化 ; 《京都議定書》 ; 媒介議題 ; 新聞框架 ; Global Warming ; Kyoto Protocol ; media issues ; news frame




100期(2009 / 07 / 01)


253 - 295






New issues covered by the media frequently reflect various phenomena demonstrated as results of human social changes. Global Warming and Kyoto Protocol are both environmental protection related issues and have been widely discussed in the 21st century. In response to the Global Warming, Kyoto Protocol, and environmental awareness trends, discussions from various viewpoints of mass media was conducted in this study to analyze how foreign media cover news reports on Global Warming and Kyoto Protocol related issues and their core frame. The results indicated that the report of media at concerning Global Warming and Kyoto Protocol issues, presented a trend of which changed from steady decrease to drastic increase between 2001-2007. As the issues took their effects, the frame of media turned from ”international politics” into ”environmental protection education” aspect. They also changed from passivity to activeness in terms of their attitude in handling the matters.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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