


How to Interview Victims with Compliance of Journalism Ethics: Multi-Actors' Dialectic Conversation




許瓊文(Julia Chiung-Wen Hsu)


新聞倫理 ; 社會新聞 ; 犯罪新聞 ; 受害者 ; 目的論 ; 義務論 ; 結果論 ; Journalism ethics ; disaster ; justice and criminal news ; victims ; teleology ; deontology ; and consquentialism




100期(2009 / 07 / 01)


3 - 57






In the current state, the common ways to interview victims are usually lack of consideration of being sensitive and being careful enough to prevent second victimization. Under such circumstance, journalism ethics have been often criticized by the public. Hence, how victims should be interviewed properly is the major focus this current study is about. This study is a qualitative research which in-depth interviews were conducted with victims and a focus group with experts and scholars from psychology, sociology, social work, law and news workers to uncover the improperness of teleological ethics. The guiding principles of interviewing victims are provided through multi-actors' dialectic conversation toward deontological ethics.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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