


Toward the Ontology of Velocity: Risk at the Age of Real-time Media




黃厚銘(Arthur Hou-Ming Huang)


技術哲學 ; 海德格 ; 麥克魯漢 ; 維希留 ; 史蒂格勒 ; philosophy of technology ; Heidegger ; McLuhan ; Virilio ; Stiegler




101期(2009 / 10 / 01)


139 - 175






With the concept of speed, this paper intends to refresh our understanding of the thought of certain thinkers in order to reflect on the characteristic of modern society. Starting from Heidegger's ontology of technology, the author tries to reinterpret the media theory of McLuhan, Stiegler's book on technics, speed, and time, and Virilio's dromology to illuminate that the relationships between human beings and speed is one of ontological one with its risk regarding the essence of human nature. However, with the advance of modernization and the acceleration of technology and media to the instantaneity of real-time, our ability to control this development always lags further behind the immediate happening of the risk and the speedy change of technology and our social, cultural milieu. In order not to lose control of this process of speed-up, it is necessary for us to elaborate the conceptual and theoretical contents of ontology of velocity to capture the mechanism of this transformation.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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