


Secrecy of Investigation vs. "Freedom of the Press" a Study to Explore the Clash in the Tug of War between Police and Media Reporters




陳祥(Hsiang Chen);孫立杰(Lee-Jay Sun)


偵查不公開 ; 無罪推定 ; 新聞自由 ; 知的權利 ; 第四權 ; secrecy investigation ; presumption of innocence ; freedom of the press ; the right to know ; the fourth estate




101期(2009 / 10 / 01)


89 - 138






The principles of ”secrecy of investigation” and the right to ”freedom of the press” are respectively the foundations of ”presumption of innocence.” The former principle guards against most unreviewed sentences of suspects by the juridical system. The latter is so called the fourth power, and which attempts to strictly monitor governmental behaviors and in the meantime to prevent from abusing their authorities. In practice, these two principles are conflicting with one another, like the clash of tug of war, requiring a sensitive balance to both sides. This study explores two questions: ”Without violating the principle of 'secrecy of investigation', how do the police respond to the needs requested by the freedom of press and protect the right to know?” and ”How do the media reporters break the limits of secrecy of investigation to safeguard the right to know and the freedom of press?” Six simulated situations, adapted and complied from real cases, are employed as the data collecting tools to elicit both selected journalists and investigation squad chiefs by in-depth interviews. Though establishing from conflicting positions, comparisons were aimed to find out the similarities and maximum agreement between the squad chiefs and journalists. Four conclusions were reached: (1) the police should learn about which action would violate the principle of secrecy of investigation and what legal or administrative liability would ensue; (2) the police should understand the needs of the media and provide journalists with information within reasonable scope for media coverage; (3) the police should be assissted by new devices and related technologies to meet reporters' needs; and (4) the government should cooperate with the media to modify laws which can effectively regulate related issues.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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