


Representation of Poverty: A Study on TV News




呂雅雯(Ya-Wen Lu);盧鴻毅(Hung-Yi Lu);侯心雅(Hsin-Ya Hou)


貧窮 ; 再現 ; 感官主義 ; 敘事 ; 符號 ; Poverty ; representation ; sensationalism ; narration ; semiotic




102期(2010 / 01 / 01)


73 - 111






This study aims to explore how TV news represents poverty by adopting content, narrative, and semiotic analysis. The results show that TV news tends to present poverty (by way of framing, narration, and semiotic) as pity and sadness even though TV reporters emphasize people suffering from poverty are optimistic. TV news attempts to sensationalize and dramatize poverty news in order to meet audience's needs of visual and hearing sensation-seeking which, in turn, makes TV news ignore to cover the causes and solutions of poverty.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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