


Digital Frontiers of Media Creativity: An Enactive Approach




孫式文(Se-Wen Sun)


隱喻 ; 概念合成 ; 物錨 ; 生活脈絡 ; 數位傳媒創意 ; 數位行動導向模式 ; Metaphor ; Conceptual blending ; Material anchor ; Daily living context ; Creativity of digital media ; Digital-action-oriented many space model




103期(2010 / 04 / 01)


175 - 214




數位時代的傳媒創意不僅止於認知層次的意義溝通,還需要進入與數位傳媒互動的行動層次。探討數位傳媒的創意,也不能侷限於創作者端的新設計理念,而是要同時關注數位傳媒在使用中,在日常生活脈絡的調節下,由行動導引而出的創意。本文整合物錨的觀點(Hutchins, 2005)、概念隱喻理論(Lakoff & Johnson, 1980, 1999)和概念合成理論(Fauconnier & Turner, 1998, 2002),而提出一個數位行動導向的模式,以分析與行動交織而成的數位傳媒創意。本文應用此新模式分析桌面介面、微軟咖啡桌,和CNN魔幻牆,來闡述數位傳媒創意的傳承、變化與行動意涵。


This study proposes an enactive approach to media creativity in the era of digital networks. The goal is to highlight and explain an enactive dimension of media creativity in the digital age. The proposed explanatory model integrates the notion of material anchors (Hutchins, 1995), conceptual metaphor theory (Lakoff & Johnson, 1980, 1999) and blending theory (Fauconnier & Turner, 1998, 2002) into an enactive framework of media creativity. I argue that media creativity in digital networks is deeply enmeshed in daily living contexts, and the creativity is not just a play of ideas but, to an important extent, anchored to, and made possible by, the material products we create. I use desktop interface, Microsoft coffee table and CNN's magic wall as exemplars to illustrate and explain media creativity.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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