


Time and Space Discourse in News Narratives upon the Elderly: An Exploration of the Application on the Concept of "Window"




臧國仁(Kuo-Jen Tsang);蔡琰(Yean Tsai)


老人 ; 窗口 ; 新聞 ; 新聞敘事 ; 論述 ; discourse ; elderly ; news ; news narrative ; window




105期(2010 / 10 / 01)


205 - 246




當記者採訪老人暢談其生命故事時,其經歷的事蹟理當遠較記者所能採訪者為廣,記者此時勢必只能提供少數閱讀「窗口」(windows)以供讀者「窺視」故事的背後世界,「窗口」此一概念當有助於釐清新聞寫作敘事策略過去較少關注的面向。 本研究採敘事分析途徑尋求解答,除在兩個樣本新聞中找到大量時空詞彙外,亦觀察到六個與時空論述相關之「窗口」屬性,結論因而應有助於說明新聞工作者如何構連新聞故事與論述之核心意義。


When a news reporter interviews the elderly and writes a story about their lives, it is necessary to edit his/her materials and to decide which should be included. This paper primarily focuses on whether it is possible that ”window”, a metaphor borrowed from the computer science discipline, can properly explain this journalistic process involved with storytelling. The paper found that it is appropriate to use different concepts of time and space as methods, which connect the news story and news discourse. It is concluded that a metaphor of ”window” allows us to observe how narrative is structured upon the shifting and transacting of the story content and how discourse on setting is applied in varied paragraphs of news.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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