


Deconstructing News from Reality: A Perspective of Anti-Modernity to the Study of Journalism




劉平君(Ping-Chun Liu)


反現代性 ; 真實 ; 現代性 ; 新聞 ; 新聞學 ; anti-modernity ; journalism ; modernity ; news ; reality




105期(2010 / 10 / 01)


85 - 126




本文認為新聞是現代性生產真實的實踐,其在現代性再現真實的運作中專責生產著「真實」的意義,而新聞流變則是現代性再運作與反現代性現象(反真實)生成的變遷過程。 然而當代新聞研究多在現代性的知識位置,以再現預設(再)連結新聞與真實。本文因此提出解構新聞/真實的新聞研究觀,即在反現代性位置觀看新聞實踐流變,詮釋其所展現之新聞與現代性(再)生產真實(與反真實之反現代性現象)的關係,以及依感覺操作新聞的反現代性新聞認識。


This paper argues that news is a practice of reality-production in modernity. It gives contour to modernity by consistently reproducing the meaning of reality. The production and reproduction of reality (modernity) and its antithesis (anti-modernity) represent a process through which news is characterized in its historical evolution. Nevertheless, the contemporary journalism study as an academic inquiry fails to come to term with this transformation due to the fact that it positions itself within the project of modernity. This paper proposes a perspective of anti-modernity to the study of journalism to deconstruct the relationship of news to reality. It argues that the meaningful struggle of news between the (re)production of modernity (reality) and the production of anti-modernity (anti-reality) represents a dynamic process through which news should be manifested. In addition, it interprets the aesthetics of intuition in the epistemology of news of anti-modernity.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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