


Revisiting the Definition of "Aesthetic Responses": Reception Aesthetics Perspective




賴玉釵(Yu-Chai Lai)


美感反應 ; 美感傳播 ; 美感體驗 ; 接收美學 ; aesthetic communication ; aesthetic experience ; aesthetic response ; reception aesthetics




106期(2011 / 01 / 01)


179 - 218




傳播學對「交流過程」之想像多從線性模式而來,且需與更多領域對話以論辯出傳播(含歷程)之核心特質為何。研究者倡言從「美學」接枝並從「非線性」觀點來思考互動歷程,或可為未來傳播研究之發展方向。考量接收美學承自詮釋學循環精神,加以過往傳播研究較少從美學角度切入,似可從接收美學取經思辨出不同以往之美感傳播歷程及交流方式。 就傳播學研究核心(閱聽人、傳輸歷程及效果)言之,未來研究或可依接收美學為切入點,更精細地說明審美視域意涵、交流歷程及體驗。


In the field of communication, the process has often been analyzed linearly and rationally by most researchers, who rarely pay attention to the emotional and non-rational elements of it. However, reception aesthetics paradigm is commonly emphasized by its aesthetic responses, which comes from the interaction of the audience's horizon and textual structure. The audience-text relationship therefore is regarded as a ”hermeneutics circle,” as indicated by Heidegger and Gadamer. In addition, the reception aesthetics perspective induces us to think about the ontology of audience, communication process, and the essence of aesthetic responses in communication studies. Such a perspective also helps us to define aesthetic communication as a dialogic process, including aesthetic horizon, text structure, interaction and aesthetic responses.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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