


"I" am the Source: A Study on the Writings of Bloggers Diagnosed with Cancer




陳憶寧(Yi-Ning Katherine Chen)


來源 ; 部落格 ; 寫作 ; 癌症部落客 ; blog ; cancer blogger ; source ; writing




106期(2011 / 01 / 01)


99 - 134






This study attempts to collect baseline data about blogs relating to various topics of cancer. It primarily focused on the meanings of these articles to individuals diagnosed with cancer as well as to explore the characteristics of these bloggers and their unique writing styles. A sample of 315 posted articles from 63 blogs related to topic of cancer based on the two search engines of Yahoo and Wretch, were looked at for content analysis. The results indicated that these bloggers were mostly young females who often wrote in narrative style, which 46% of these articles were emotion-revealing. The male bloogers on the other hand were more likely to write in informational based style. These posted articles reflected these bloggers' motivation for social connection and illness coping. The results also indicated that the cancer patients' blogs have the potential to provide a space for the public to cope with their suffering by writing. The bloggers thus become one of the information sources of health issues.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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