


Nation, Jouissance and Capital: The Logic of International Sports Spectacle




黃冠華(Guan-Hua Huang)


幻想 ; 拉岡 ; 拜物 ; 國族主義 ; 國際運動景觀 ; fantasy ; fetish ; international sports spectacle ; Lacan ; nationalism




107期(2011 / 04 / 01)


291 - 323




鑑於國際運動景觀與國族主義的密切關係,本文從拉岡(Jacques Lacan)精神分析架構中的幻想、樣貌以及拜物等觀念,探討意識型態及商品景觀的議題,藉以強調其中的快感意涵,提供另類的理論詮釋。本文試圖論證,唯有理解國族與幻想、快感的根本關係,才能深刻地說明消費社會脈絡下,跨國運動集團乃藉由生產運動景觀、剝削國族情緒,以成就資本累積的目標。本文進一步佐證所謂「王建民現象」,乃環繞在國族、快感以及資本間的三位一體複合產物。


It has been a controversial argument that international sports spectacle promotes nationalism. Taking the relation of sports and nationalism seriously, especially within the context of consumer society, this article explored the implications of Lacanian psychoanalytic categories such as fantasy, semblance, and fetish, in order to relate the notion of jouissance to wider questions of nationalist ideology and commodity spectacle. Drawing out the contour of such a jouissance-oriented perspective, the article specifically focused on the indication of how international sports spectacle is produced by exploiting nationalist jouissance in order for capitalist machine to extract surplus-value. The enthusiastic phenomenon of Chien-ming Wang in Taiwan was further reviewed as a triplet complex that is constituted around nation, jouissance and capital.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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