


Cultural Production, Consumption, and Labor: The Influences of "Being the Public Sector's Subcontracting Works" on Taiwanese Documentaries




劉昌德(Chang-De Liu)


文化工作者 ; 文化產業 ; 紀錄片 ; 勞動條件 ; cultural industry ; cultural worker ; documentary ; working condition




107期(2011 / 04 / 01)


47 - 87






This paper started with illustrations on the features of production and consumption of Taiwanese documentaries by conducting an industrial survey. It was believed that two factors are normally critical for the development of documentaries. One is governmental subsidies for film productions and public television, and the other one is public funding film exhibitions that support documentary circulations. Hence, the public sector becomes the most significant ”employer” of local productions and turns documentary producers into its ”subcontracting film workers.” However, the limitations of public funding and the blind spots of related policies have resulted in the insufficient resources for local productions and circulations. Under such circumstances, documentary producers suffer from poor working conditions, which the later part of this paper would discuss by using the results of a questionnaire survey and in-depth interviews. The paper at the end suggested that the government should introduce more sources of funding to improve the working rights of documentary practitioners and facilitate the development of local productions.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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