


Cross-Media News Information Processing Model: Applying Source Magnification Theory to News Studies




張郁敏(Yuh-Miin Chang)


新聞 ; 資訊來源擴大理論 ; 資訊處理 ; 跨媒介 ; Cross-media ; information processing ; news ; source magnification theory




110期(2012 / 01 / 01)


85 - 124






Although increasingly more people read news from multiple media outlets, little is known on why they are willing to focus on and are motivated to process the news in a subsequent medium. This study investigated the reasons behind this progressive phenomenon. Considering the uniqueness of cross-media news consumption, this study developed a cross-media news information processing model, which was revised according to source magnification theory. This study employed a 2 (high and low news independence) x 2 (high and low news relevance) x 2 (high and low news credibility) factorial design. The results showed that perceived news information utility was the key reason. News credibility, news relevance, and news novelty were the three antecedents that affected the level of perceived information utility. These findings not only complement previous assertions made by other scholars, but also demonstrate the uniqueness of cross-media news information processing.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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