


A Preliminary Study of the Relationship between Taiwan Indigenous Television and the Taipei Urban Indigenous Audience's Ethnic Identity Construction




蔡珮(Pei Tsai)


原住民族電視台 ; 都市原住民 ; 族群媒介 ; 族群認同 ; ethnic identity ; ethnic media ; Taiwan Indigenous Television(TITV) ; urban indigenous people (UIP)




110期(2012 / 01 / 01)


125 - 169






This paper explores the relationship between Taiwan Indigenous Television (TITV) and the ethnic identity construction of the Taipei urban indigenous people (UIP) and examines the roles TITV plays in forming indigenous identity. In-depth interviews with nineteen indigenous viewers from Taipei showed that TITV has increased the sense of ethnic identity of UIP from four aspects: self-identification, a sense of belonging, ethnic attitude, and ethnic involvement. Taiwan Indigenous Television has contributed to educating UIP, preserving and modernizing mother languages, maintaining social and community networks, and minimizing knowledge and cultural gaps, as well as stereotypes of UIP towards their native tribal cultures. This study also discovered particular functions (exhibited especially by UIP viewers) of TITV that differ from previous research on tribal audiences.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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