


A Discourse Analysis of Iconic News Stories Related to the Elderly: A Case Study




蔡琰(Yean Tsai);臧國仁(Kuo-Jen Tsang)


新聞 ; 敘事 ; 圖文 ; 論述 ; 老人 ; News ; narrative ; photo ; discourse ; elderly




111期(2012 / 04 / 01)


89 - 127




本文關切新聞報導之「圖」與「文」如何相互建構新聞故事、如何共同再現新聞事件之情境,因而從理論層面討論「圖」、「文」建構意義的論述問題,並以中度颱風「凡那比」(Typhoon Fanapi)襲台之夜高雄市岡山區「晉德安養院」老人泡水新聞為例,透過個案方式分析新聞文字與照片如何以互補又互斥角色分擔「講故事」任務,藉此探究新聞圖文說故事時之競存關係與相互延伸其他閱讀的可能。


This study analyzes a recent news story that employed both words and photographs as communicative symbols. Traditional news narrative theories follow the logical signs of language. Therefore, how does the discourse of news presented using two types of sign systems differ? This study examines news stories and news photographs using a qualitative method to identify whether a relationship exists between the words and the photographs of a news story. The results indicate that a relationship not only exist between the words and photographs, and tends to adopt one of the following forms: (1) the words and photographs complement each other; (2) the words and photographs contradict each other; (3) the words and photographs suggest additional meaning not yet revealed; and (4) the words and photographs compete to reveal additional meaning.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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