


Disenchantment, Enlightenment, and Empowerment: Activism and Social Influence of New Media as Alternative Communication in China




蔡秀芬(Shiou-Fen Tsai)


公民賦權 ; 市民社會 ; 另類傳播 ; 行動社會學 ; 新媒體 ; alternative communication ; civil empowerment ; civil society ; new media ; sociology of action




116期(2013 / 07 / 01)


127 - 172




本研究從中國另類傳播的發展簡史出發,進而聚焦於新媒體另類傳播發展的研究,引用Alain Touraine行動社會學中關 於「行動者歸來」(Return of Actor)的概念,探討中國新媒體另類傳播在其社會脈絡如何被操作使用,展現何種特質和社會意義,另類傳播行動者如何發揮「能動性」(agency),包括行動者動機、行動策略和原則等,以對抗國家監管結構,以及新媒體另類傳播可能帶來的社會影響,尤指公民社會的賦權(empowerment)層面。經赴中國四大城市進行田野調查與深度訪談,本研究發現中國新媒體另類傳播延續並改善前一階段另類傳播的行動經驗,行動者因此得以善用新媒體優勢,包括操作簡便、官方「監管時間差」等,並運用「親民策略」展開媒體社會行動,而行動同時帶來公民意識、公民表達與表達創意等三方面的公民賦權,使民間社會逐漸降低中國政權宣傳紀律與監管懲處所帶來的社會恐懼與蒙蔽。


This study examines the brief development history of alternative communication in China, and then explores the development and phenomenon of new media as an alternative form of communication. The author applies the concept of ”the return of an actor” from the ”sociology of action” advocated by Alain Touraine to explore the following questions: (a) How can new media, as an alternative communication mode, be used and operated within the social context in China? (b) What type of communication characteristics and social significance are presented by new media? (c) How do activists of alternative communication achieve their goals, including activist motivations, strategies, and action principles, to resist the dictatorship in China? (d) What social effects could be implemented by new media as an alternative communication mode, especially for the empowerment of civil society in China? After conducting field observations in 4 cities in China and interviewing key people, the author concludes that activists of new media as an alternative communication mode have embraced the activist experience of the previous-stage alternative communication in China. Therefore, the activists of new media as an alternative communication mode are skilled in using the advantages of new media technology, such as ”user friendliness,” the ”time lag of control and supervision” by the government, and strategies of ”relationship intimacy,” to achieve media-related social actions. These actions foster the empowerment of civil society, including civil consciousness, civil expression, and creativity, and also gradually reduce the fear of people who have been indoctrinated by propaganda and the supervision of the Chinese government.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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