


Local Culture, Communication, and Community Development: Community Mobilization of the Wan-Bao Community in Miaoli County




張春炎(Chun-Yen Chang)


文化建構 ; 地方文化傳播 ; 社區動員 ; 社區營造 ; 灣寶社區 ; community development ; community mobilization ; cultural construction ; local culture communication ; Wan-Bao community




116期(2013 / 07 / 01)


173 - 206






Culture plays a crucial role in the community development movement in Taiwan. However, previous studies have rarely focused on the relationship between culture and community movement. Thus, this paper considers cultural mobilization, proposes an analysis framework, and underpins the theoretical bases of culture and community movement interactions from a sociological and cultural theory perspective. Using this framework, we analyze the Wan-Bao community movement in Miaoli County to examine several research questions, including how to operate cultural resources to build effective communication among community members, and how to connect community members with cultural mobilization. Based on this case study, we explain how culture is a useful tool for community mobilization and how action is useful for community development. Moreover, we aim to clarify how cultural mobilization unites community members and enhances their willingness to participate in collective action for community development.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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