


The Internet and the Public Sphere: From the Normative Model to the Model of Multiple Publics




林宇玲(Yu-Ling Lin)


公共領域 ; 多元公眾模式 ; 爭勝多元主義 ; 對抗性公眾 ; 網路研究 ; 審議模式 ; agonistic pluralism ; counter publics ; internet research ; public sphere ; the model of multiple publics normative model




118期(2014 / 01 / 01)


55 - 85






Based on news coverage of ”hot issues,” the influence of online public opinion should not be underestimated; however, scholars have divergent views regarding the Internet as a public sphere. These debates primarily use the Habermasian public sphere model, evaluating online speech performance according to a set of normative standards.To understand the limitations of such works applied to the internet, this study examined the assumption of Habermas's normative model and suggested replacing it with the Fraserian model of multiple public spheres. From a power struggle perspective, this research focused on the shift from a static configuration of the Internet as a public sphere to the impact of the Internet on public spheres, and explored the democratic implications of online public spheres and participation.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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