


Memory Writing, Everyday Life, and Social Existence: A Case Study of Zhan Hongzhi's Nostalgic Narrative




胡紹嘉(Shao-Chia Hu)


生命故事 ; 社會存在 ; 記憶 ; 敘事 ; 懷舊 ; life story ; social existence ; memory ; narrative ; nostalgia




118期(2014 / 01 / 01)


87 - 129






The core concern of this study was how personal memories are involved with the construction of social history. This paper used ”memory as narrative” as a conceptual basis and developed a comprehensive framework. By appropriating narrative psychology and Martin Heidegger's work on human beings and time, this research explored the relationships among personal memories, life stories, and social existence. According to his nostalgic narrative, Zhan Hongzhi believes that the present does not explain the past, but the past can inspire the present. He considered remembering the past as returning not only to an ”emotional home,” but also to a ”spiritual native land.” During that period, Taiwan was oriented toward social modernization, but the country was not yet completely controlled. The author emphasized that the simultaneity of the structural and agential dimensions between memory and temporality becomes possible only when the past and present, and agent and society are not thought of as two separate entities, which is common practice in the sociological imagination.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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