


When Mobile Technology Enters the Temple of Art: Incorporating Museum Audio Guides into the Consumption of Art




賴嘉玲(Chia-Ling Lai)


人機組裝體 ; 展覽複合體 ; 媒介科技與流動性 ; 視聽導覽 ; 藝文消費 ; art consumption ; audio guide ; exhibitionary complex ; hybrid ; mobile media technology




119期(2014 / 04 / 01)


121 - 159






As mobile technologies are applied to perform the fluid mobility of the social, museum audio guides facilitate the complex interaction among material culture, mobility, and society. Based on actor-network theory, this study considered the user of audio guides to be both a human and a nonhuman hybrid assembly. I examined the process of how an audio guide combines narrated text with a temporal rhythm to transform the museum as a spatial 'exhibitionary complex'. Thus, audio guides introduce a new speed politics in museum visiting. Finally, I analyzed the cultural, economic, and social capital of users employing audio guides as a mobile technology. This research was based on the observation and in-depth interviews of visitors to the ”Splendour of the Baroque and Beyond” exhibition at the National Palace Museum in Taipei between October 2007 and February 2008.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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