


Effect of Convergence in the Transformation of Traditional Newspapers: A Comparative Study on the New York Times and the Guardian




林照真(Chao-Chen Lin)


紐約時報 ; 新聞 ; 聚合 ; 數位 ; 衛報 ; 轉型 ; convergence ; digital ; journalism ; the Guardian ; the New York Times ; transformation




120期(2014 / 07 / 01)


1 - 45






This research identified and compared the effects of digital convergence on the New York Times and the Guardian. Convergence viewpoints, strategies, and business models between the two newspaper companies were compared. Based on interviews, participant observation, and text analysis, this study determined that because of media convergence, producing notable journalism is central to these two high-quality print press outlets. This article also suggests that positive convergence benefits journalistic quality. The criteria for adept journalists to report truthfulness remains the same in a convergent environment.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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