


Reconceptualizing Media: An Exploration of "Mediation" and "Mediatization"




唐士哲(Shih-Che Tang)


中介 ; 社會建制 ; 媒介理論 ; 媒介化 ; 傳播與溝通實踐 ; communicative practice ; media theory ; mediation ; mediatization ; social institution




121期(2014 / 10 / 01)


1 - 39






Based upon media theory, the study reconstructs the epistemology of communication media by arguing that media be dissociated from text, organization or technology and be reconceptualized in terms of the convergence between fields of media practices and social practices. By reviewing the literature on "mediation" and "mediatization," the study reconsiders much ignored elements, such as media technology, materiality, context and institutional practice, in theorizing the media.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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