


The Use of Communication Technologies by Dating Couples to Maintain Romantic Relationship




鄧郁馨(Yu-Hsin Teng);王嵩音(Song-In Wang)


情侶關係 ; 傳播溝通管道 ; 遠距離戀愛 ; 關係滿意度 ; 關係維繫行為 ; communication technologies ; long-distance relationship ; maintenance behaviors ; relationship satisfaction ; romantic relationship




122期(2015 / 01 / 01)


121 - 167






This study tried to investigate how the dating couples use communication technologies to maintain their romantic relationship. We hypothesized that time of dating, distance of dating and satisfaction of relationship will affect the positive or negative relationship maintenance behaviors. An online survey and in-depth interviews were utilized to test the hypotheses and explain the results. A total of 356 valid questionnaires were collected and seven respondents were interviewed. The main findings are as followed: 1. The shorter time of relationship, the more likely the dating couples will use social network sites for positive maintenance behaviors. 2. Long-distance dating couples tend to use positive maintenance behaviors. 3. Geographically close dating couples tend to use face-to-face to engage positive and negative maintenance behaviors. 4. Long-distance relationship couples tend to use Webcam to engage positive and negative maintenance behaviors. 5. The higher relationship satisfaction perceived by the respondents, the more likely they will use positive maintenance behaviors. 6. The lower relationship satisfaction perceived by the respondents, the more likely they will use negative maintenance behaviors.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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