


Media Multitasking across Generations: Simultaneous Mobile Internet and Television Usage Behaviors and Motives




張郁敏(Yuh-Miin Chang)


世代 ; 行動上網 ; 使用與滿足 ; 動機 ; 媒介並用 ; 電視 ; generation ; media multitasking ; mobile internet ; motive ; television ; uses and gratifications




124期(2015 / 07 / 01)


83 - 116






Simultaneous mobile internet and television usage has been getting very popular. Few, if any, studies explicated generational differences in this type of media multitasking behaviors. This study is the first to examine whether different generations have different behaviors and motives in the mobile internet-television media multitasking context. A national face-to-face survey with the probability proportional to size random sampling method was employed. The results showed that Web generation was most likely to perform mobile internet-television media multitasking behavior, followed by X generation and Baby Boomer generation. Web generation paid most attention to the contents on the mobile Internet, X generation focused their attention on either television or mobile internet, and Baby Boomer generation paid most attention to the contents on television. The results also showed that the motives driving mobile internet-television media multitasking behavior were the same across generations, including "habit and convenience" and "cognition and status." All these findings supported the proposed theory of cross generation media multitasking behavior and the proposed method of analyzing the motives driving media multitasking behaviors.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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