


Distinction or Omnivorousness? -- An Analysis of Cultural Participation and Class Reproduction in Kaohsiung from the Perspective of Pierre Bourdieu




陳志賢(Chih-Hsien Chen)


文化資本 ; 品味 ; 文化區異 ; 文化雜食 ; 階級再製 ; 藝文參與 ; class reproduction ; cultural capital ; cultural omnivorousness ; cultural participation ; distinction ; taste




126期(2016 / 01 / 01)


47 - 92






Focusing upon cultural politics of class relations, this study uses the case of Kaohsiung to explore into four major research questions: How do people participate in cultural activities? What are the possible factors that have influenced cultural taste? What are significant variables related to the quality and quantity of cultural participation? And to what extent there do exist distinction and class reproduction? Data have been collected through a citywide telephone random survey and analyzed from the perspective of Pierre Bourdieu to sort out the causes and consequences of cultural participation. Statistic results show that music, movie and animation are the most popular cultural activities and they are regarded as the very cultural industries that should be fully promoted by the government as well. Cultural capital, according to regression analyses, determines the quality and quantity of cultural participation, whereas cultural participation has further demarcated the difference of class identities, reproduced existing cultural advantage, and facilitated the exchange between cultural capital and social capital. Overall speaking, the composition and volume of cultural capital and economic capital are related to the quality of cultural participation. The volume of cultural capital has positive correlation with the quantity of cultural participation. Distinction, thus, works with cultural omnivorousness side by side, and the outcomes of cultural participation in return have led to certain kinds of class identification and class reproduction.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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