


Traversing the Web: Check-in Tactics and Place Practice of Facebook Users




吳筱玫(Hsiao-Mei Wu)


日常生活實踐 ; 打卡 ; 行人言說行動 ; 地標 ; 戰術 ; Facebook ; check in ; everyday life practice ; Facebook ; pedestrian speech acts ; place ; tactics




126期(2016 / 01 / 01)


93 - 131




本研究以de Certeau 日常生活實踐理論為本,從戰略與戰術角度分析Facebook 使用者之打卡實踐,方法上以深度訪談為主,搭配跨領域資料撈取技術進行個案式行人言說分析,接著從四大面向:地點、時間點、同行者、使用者,探討所有受訪者之打卡戰術。研究發現,地標使用和使用者當下心境密切相關,喜歡戲耍的使用者會有虛擬地標出現;延遲打卡或許是基於技術限制,但更多時候,深受日常生活實踐脈絡之影響,此外個人是否在意「實存」,也影響補打卡的意願;同行者不同在現象普遍,而且花招百出、目的多元。凡此皆顯示著,使用者懂得掌握各種不同機遇,將科技原始設計挪用成資源,去構築自己的興趣與慾望,從而開展殊異的行人言說行動。


Based upon de Certeau’s theory of everyday life practice, this paper examines Facebook users’ check-in actions from the perspectives of strategies and tactics. Methodologically, in-depth interviews of 15 subjects as well as interdisciplinary API technique are conducted to facilitate the pedestrian speech acts analysis. The check-in tactics are then discussed in four dimensions: place, timing, people tagged, and the user. The results show that the use of ‘place’ is significantly related to the mood at present. Those who enjoy playing the function would create virtual places. The late check-in, be not a technical restriction, may be a tactic of inviting likes. And it is also influenced by each user’s everyday life context or his/her recognition about ‘reality’. Users frequently tag people who are not with them with multiple purposes. All these demonstrate that users are sophisticated with the capture of ‘opportunities’, appropriating the Facebook ‘place’ as resources to fulfill their interests and desires, and to develop their discrete pedestrian speech acts.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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