


Media Technology and Modernity: An Investigation of Radio Usage and Urban Life in the 1930s Colonial Taiwan




王淑美(Su-Mei Wang)


三〇年代 ; 現代性 ; 都會生活 ; 媒體科技 ; 臺灣 ; 廣播 ; 1930s ; media technology ; modernity ; radio ; Taiwan ; urban life




127期(2016 / 04 / 01)


1 - 37






This article explores the everyday usage of radio in the 1930s colonial Taiwan. Situating in the narrations of urban life provided by ‘Inviolable Destiny’, the article aims to depict the complicated networks constituted by radio and other media technologies, and to investigate the inter-relationships between new media technologies, consumerism and modernity. Being influenced by globalization, Japan witnessed huge transformations of lifestyles and the rise of mass media and popular culture during the interwar period. Radio was introduced to Taiwan by its ruler with great enthusiasm toward modernity. Although it was the colonizer’s intention to discipline the colonized by means of radio, the medium turned into an important source of information and entertainment for lay people. The radio also privatized synchronization and made punctuality an inseparable part of modern life. It affected the rhythms of cities and brought Taiwan into the complex systems of capitalism and globalization.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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