


Making News by Structuring Time: A Temporal Analysis on Infographic Production in News Organization




陳百齡(Pai-Lin Cheng)


時間組織 ; 時間結構化 ; 新聞組織 ; 新聞工作者 ; news organization ; temporal structures ; journalism expertise ; practices ; time




127期(2016 / 04 / 01)


75 - 117






How can organization be able to accomplish its mission of gathering information just in time? As a temporal organization, news media employ temporal structuring strategies to integrate institutional and individual efforts to have the work done before the deadline. This researcher conducted a field research on infographic designers of daily newspapers to observe: (1) how temporal structures of regulate the infographic designers; (2) how designers interact the temporal structures and develop temporal strategies. The results of the study will lead to further understanding on journalistic competence of contemporary news media and the design strategies for temporal structures of future news media.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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