The number of agency workers in the PTS had increased rapidly since 2008, while a total of around 200 agency workers represented 20% of the PTS employees during recent years. However, most of agency works in the PTS were “long-term core jobs” rather than “temporary peripheral jobs,” and the recruitment, remuneration and benefits of agency workers were actually decided by the user enterprise, the PTS, rather than the employment agency. The agency employment in the PTS, therefore, had become the “in-house agency work” which broke the rules of related employment laws. According to the findings based on the questionnaire survey and in-depth interviews, the PTS agency workers were relatively young and high-educated, but most of them suffered from job insecurity and wage discrimination. Most interviewees were discontent with poor working conditions while highly evaluated and identified with the public interests that the PTS pursued. In 2013, the PTS agency employees established a union and urged the management for a transition to standard employment. Nevertheless, the standard employees and their union (the PTS union) spoke out against the“total transition plan,” and forced the employer laid off 6 agency workers while a total of 130 agency workers were successfully transited. The union movement of the PTS agency workers is unique for its two characteristics, including the internalization of public interests among the PTS members, and the young generation’s disobedience to the capitalism under the crisis of pauperization of work.
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