


Evolution of Rape Myths and Sexual Assaults in Newspaper Coverage




蔡雁雯(Yan-Wen Tsai);蘇蘅(Herng Su)


強暴迷思 ; 加害者 ; 報紙 ; 市場化 ; 媒介真實 ; newspapers ; media coverage ; rape myth ; victims ; sexual violence




128期(2016 / 07 / 01)


85 - 134




強暴迷思(rape myth)是指「維持強暴文化的顯著意義系統,是一種對於加害者、受害者與強暴行為本身的錯誤想法、偏見或刻板印象」。由於強暴迷思的存在,使得加害者得到寬恕,遭受性侵的受害者卻承受污名。本研究以《蘋果日報》2003 年進入台灣為分水嶺,比較《蘋果日報》進入台灣的前後十年──即2002 年的《聯合報》與《中國時報》,以及2013年的《中國時報》、《聯合報》與《蘋果日報》性侵新聞,檢視報紙是否長期存在強暴迷思,其特質為何,以及報紙市場化的環境下建構什麼強暴迷思,和十年前有無不同。結果發現,報紙《蘋果日報》進入台灣前後,一直存在強暴迷思,十年後的性侵新聞特別重視以權力不平等角度,描繪加害者可怕和怪獸般的「加害者強暴迷思」。其中即使刑法和相關法律強調保護受害者個人資料和創傷的意識抬頭,然而有些報紙反而強化「加害者」的「野獸化」形象和「受害者」的順從,有些報紙傾向用「讓人興奮」的論述與重視犯案「現場」和「情緒」,構成市場導向的新「強暴迷思」,建構性侵報導新的意義論述系統。


The article presents an analysis of the coverage of three newspapers of rape in the daily Press in Taiwan. The idea that rape is a sexual rather than an aggressive act encourages people not to take it seriously as a crime-an attitude frequently revealed in comments by defense attorneys and newspaper. The authors’ investigated that the female victim who did not know most of her attackers will be portrayed as helpless and not responsible for her victimization. The newspapers sustained and reinforced the myths that a woman who is having consensual sex cannot be raped, and if so, she is held culpable and perceived as “asking for it.” A content analysis of newspapers’ headlines and coverage between 2002 and 2013 showed that more than 50% endorsed a rape myth.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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