


From the Global South: The Research on Journalism Convergence in Al Jazeera Reception




林照真(Chao-Chen Lin)


半島電視台 ; 阿拉伯 ; 英語 ; 新聞 ; 聚合 ; 公共領域 ; Al Jazeera ; Arab ; English ; convergence ; public sphere




129期(2016 / 10 / 01)


97 - 142






Facing Arabic and English audiences and markets in the digital age, Al Jazeera have focused journalism convergence cross media platforms, cultures and languages. This study involved the proceeding of Al Jazeera media groups to news convergence and through participating, in-depth interviews of 27 news executives, editors and journalists in Al Jazeera in Doha, Katar. The paper primarily discusses how Al Jazeera converged from the perspective of consuming, creating and distributing media content among TV, online of different languages. The practical aspects of journalism convergence in Al Jazeera is a model from the global South, different from the English world. This paper suggests that the experience of journalism convergence in Al Jazeera will inspire us to rethink cultural convergence in the digital age in Taiwan.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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