


The Representation of Culture and Creative Industries in Taiwan: A Framing Analysis of Newspapers 2002-2012




劉蕙苓(Huei-Ling Liu)


文化治理 ; 文化創意產業 ; 文化溝通 ; 框架 ; 消息來源 ; 媒體再現 ; cultural and creative industries ; cultural governance ; culture communication ; media representation ; news framing ; news source




130期(2017 / 01 / 01)


91 - 139




「文化創意產業」在台灣社會已耳熟能詳,媒體如何建構了這個文化議題?是否隨著時間的變遷而有所不同?本研究以框架分析探討此一公共議題自2002 年進入台灣社會的十年間,媒體再現其內涵的變化。本研究分析自2002 年到2012 年期間《中國時報》與《聯合報》的相關新聞共3,931 則,結果發現:雖然法定的文化創意產業共十六項,但媒體對文創產業新聞的指涉都集中在藝文產業、影視出版及創意生活類;新聞內容中最常使用的框架是「展現文化」,其次為「關切發展」;但兩者在不同時期互有消長。此外,新聞報導中最常突顯的是政府官員的觀點,其次為藝文人士與產業人士,且地方官員的觀點在後期愈來愈重要。本研究發現:媒體對文化創意產業的報導在歷經十一年的社會脈絡互動後,形成文創產業再現的日常化、文創產業框架展演化,加上媒體對文化議題傾向「軟性」處理,對文化創意產業的核心與內涵並沒有提供多元的討論空間,反而使此重要的文化議題流於模糊且瑣碎。


"Cultural and creative industries" is a well-known cultural issue in Taiwan society. How do media represent this issue? Does it have a difference when time has changed? This study explores the media frames and trends of news coverage of "cultural and creative industries" related stories. A framing analysis of long-term data collection focus on how newspapers have portrayed "cultural and creative industries" in the period 2002-2012. The present study found a strong emphasis on the frame of "concerning development" in early stage, and the frame of "presentinging culture" is dominant in 2011-2012. Moreover, this study also indicates the government officials are most dominant sources, and people who work in art and industries also play important roles. It became more vague and trivial in media representation when the "cultural and creative industries" issue interacted with social context during the eleven years, due to media ignoring to provide a public sphere to discuss the core value of "cultural and creative industries".

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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