


Ethical Audience: Theorizing Social Media Users in the March 18 Student Movement




劉慧雯(Hui-Wen Liu)


社群媒體 ; 閱聽人 ; 使用者生產內容 ; 318 學運 ; social media ; audience ; user-generated content ; March 18 student movement




131期(2017 / 04 / 01)


87 - 125




在318 學運中,台灣的社群媒體使用者展現出與大眾媒介不一樣的使用邏輯。本文透過機緣(affordances)分析,試圖瞭解這群閱聽人的行動、行動邏輯,以及行動中揭露的媒介使用狀態,然後在閱聽人研究的脈絡下,將318 學運期間在臉書上參與資訊傳遞活動的閱聽人,定位成「始終與他人共在」的倫理閱聽人(ethical audience)。倫理閱聽人的提出,在理論上將過去閱聽人研究側重「屬己」範疇的閱聽反應,推展到「不可忽視他人」的閱聽反應。


The 'March 18 student movement' was viewed as the best evidence to show how participants use Facebook as supportive tool to connect, communicate and persuade social members. By applying affordance-analysis, this research aims at theorizing these users as 'ethical audience' to reveal the never-asked dimension a social media user may have. This article argues that the audience research traditionally emphasizes the 'self-belong' reactions, however, a UGC 'prosumer' encounter other users at the beginning of a communication process. By describing these users with their action, logic of the action and the characteristics of their media usage, this article tries to avoid the disregarding of others in communication research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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