


Terrorism and the Press: A Study of the War on Terrorism, Islamophobia, and Al Jazeera




林照真(Chao-Chen Lin)


半島 ; 伊斯蘭 ; 伊斯蘭恐慌 ; 阿拉伯 ; 恐怖主義 ; 恐怖份子 ; Al Jazeera ; Islam ; Islamophobia ; Arab ; terrorism ; terrorist




133期(2017 / 10 / 01)


1 - 41






This paper focuses on the subject of terrorism neglected in Taiwan and discusses the role of news media in reporting terrorism. Based on a literature review and in-depth interview, this research looks to restore the fact of reporting on 911 and terrorism from Al Jazeera and surveys the intense relationship with U.S. This paper argues to rethink Islamophobia and terrorism by exploring the different definitions of terrorism between the West and Middle East. Arab journalists need to report on terrorism and face the danger from it.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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