


How did Popular Science Become a Legend? On the linguistic communication of "Science Culture" book series in 1990s Taiwan from the approach of text analysis




陳瑞麟(Ruey-Lin Chen)


科學普及 ; 科學傳播 ; 溝通行為 ; 科學文化 ; 天下文化出版社 ; Popular Science ; Science Communication ; Communicative action ; Science Culture ; Commonwealth Publishing




134期(2018 / 01 / 01)


1 - 39






Commonwealth Publishing Co. in Taiwan has published a series of popular science books, named Science Culture, since 1991. This series has achieved great success in publication and in marketing and up to the present has published over 164 volumes and sold out a great number of hard copies. It is well regarded as a publication legend. How did it succeed? What strategies has it adopted to become such a legend? This paper shows that the series' success depends on two strategies: exciting subjects and strengthening the first impression. This research applies three related tactics or techniques publishing scientific biographies, literary rhetoric, and using romanticizing titles to realize two strategies of the series. This paper reveals these strategies and techniques by investigating the writing style of books in the series, comparing the titles of the series with other titles of popular science books before 1990, and conducting interviews with the editors of that series.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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