


High School Girls' Everyday Aesthetics on Instagram: The Affordance Approach




蘇柔郡(Jou-Chun Su);吳筱玫(Hsiaomei Wu)


Instagram ; 符擔性 ; 後製 ; 協定 ; 社群媒體 ; 日常生活美學 ; Instagram ; Affordance ; Reframing ; Convention ; Social Media ; Everyday Life Aesthetics




135期(2018 / 04 / 01)


139 - 191




本研究以符擔性理論(Affordance Theory)為本,透過深度訪談與後製相片分析,探討高中女生如何感知Instagram的科技符擔性,如何與之互動,並在此互動中創造哪些新的實踐樣態。研究發現,Instagram以圖為本之特性,成為高中女生日常生活中展演自我的場域;在不同Instagram社群之各自協定下,女生們游移在複數藝術世界中。這顯示Instagram的介面設計,成功將使用者之相片分享導向品味與美感,從而促使她們蒐集更多apps進行相片後製,藉此建立自我秀異風格,凡此都讓美學成了一種日常生活實踐,她們已將美化的生活分享當成了實存。


This study explores high school girls' Instagram aesthetic practices based on the affordance theory. We conduct in-depth interviews and photo analyses of 10 subjects to reveal how these girls interact with the app's interface, and what strategic practices they have developed to interact with the affordances preset by Instagram. The findings demonstrate that Instagram has become a realm for everyday aesthetics due to its design priority on photos. These high school girls navigate in plural art worlds as they share their reframed photos with a variety of social groups, of which each has its own discrete aesthetic convention. This indicates that Instagram's interface design has successfully associated itself with taste and beauty, eliciting these girls to collect more reframing apps in order to achieve their own distinction. As a result, aesthetics takes shape in everyday life, but they take their own aestheticized life as the real one.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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