


Destigmatization and Self-empowerment: Communication between People with Mental Illness and Society




管中祥(Chung-Hsiang Kuang)


污名化 ; 傳播權 ; 精神障礙 ; mental illness ; communication right ; stigmatization




137期(2018 / 10 / 01)


45 - 87




媒體的污名化對精神障礙者有著極大的負面影響,如何使弱勢者去除污名,重返主體,是相關研究及實務不可忽視的面向。財團法人伊甸社會福利基金會活泉之家(Eden Social Welfare Foundation)採取會所模式(club),不只在行政工作開放會員參與,活動設計也重視會員自主性。其所採取的社會對話行動,會員依此回顧自身生命經驗,釐清生活與「疾病」的關係,反思自身的生命歷程,了解「疾病」、了解彼此,相互支持,會員間的內部溝通與對話,也成了相互協力的重要力量。而對外溝通的過程,更是自我培力的重要歷程,從大眾回應中從新整理自己,找回信心,發現自己本是有能力的人,並能協助與其同受污名的弱勢者,不但自我培力,提升自信,更能關心社會,參與挑戰及改善社會的行動。


Stigmatic media has a great negative impact on people with mental illness. Therefore, erasing the stigma that the underprivileged have to face and bringing them back to normal society are important aspects of research and practice. The "club" system, which the Eden Social Welfare Foundation undertakes, not only opens up its administration, but also its activity design for members to participate. They can communicate with society, review their own life experience, clarify the relationship between life and their illness, and understand, support, and communicate with each others in order to form essential power. Through external communication, they can reflect themselves better in terms of public reaction, find confidence, and realize that they are capable people of helping other underprivileged persons who also face the same stigma. As a result, they are able to empower themselves and participate in the challenge and movement of a stronger society.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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